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Unit 2 Reflection Assignment

Unit 2 Reflection Assignment

Q Introduction In this unit we have discussed various aspects of an individual learner, the environment around learning, and the mindset of lifelong learners. Instructions For this assignment, choose between one of the following reflection activities. Based on the information we covered in this unit explore the various concepts using the questions provided. Choose ONE of the following Option #1 In this unit, you explored the concept of “mindset” -- specifically, the differences between fixed and growth mindsets. Read the following scenario and answer the guided question. You will submit a short reflection in the format of a written paper, a video, or audio recording. Imagine you are in a class you are struggling with. This is a class in your major, so it seems like it should be easy -- but it is not. You’ve spent a great deal of time studying the core concepts, met individually with your instructor to discuss your challenges, and formed a study group with classmates. But after your first major assignment is handed back, you see that you have earned a low grade. In fact, this is the lowest grade you’ve ever gotten on a major assignment. This feels like a major setback, and you begin to doubt your choice of major. Then comes the kicker: your instructor contacts you and says, “I’d like to meet to discuss your performance in the class.” In two paragraphs (3-5 sentences each) respond to the following questions. 1. Explain how a person with a fixed mindset might respond to this situation 2. Explain how a person with a growth mindset would respond. Option #2 Review The Learning Scientists- "6 Habits of Highly Effective Students (Links to an external site.)". After reviewing the six learning strategies, create a short video (1-2 minutes) in which you demonstrate the learning strategy to the entire class. (Your instructor may decide to assign specific learning strategies to specific students.) Your video should include: • A short overview of the learning strategy • A demonstration of the learning strategy • Recommendations to students for how to use this learning strategy to study • Recommendation to instructors for how to incorporate this learning strategy into their teaching Canvas Instructions for Posting a Video (Links to an external site.) Due Date • Sunday, 11:59pm, CT Rubric LE100 Unit 2 Reflection Rubric LE100 Unit 2 Reflection Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCompletion Did the student participate in the activity as assigned? Did the student fulfill the parameters of the assignment? 10 to >0.0 pts Full Completion Student fulfilled all assigned elements of the activity. 0 pts No Completion Student did not complete the activity. 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAcademic Habits of Mind: Vocabulary Did the student use the vocabulary of learning frameworks and/or mindset, as explained in the learning frameworks materials? 20 to >18.0 pts Outstanding Student's use of specialized vocabulary indicates a thorough and critical understanding of the concepts. 18 to >14.0 pts Developing Student's use of specialized vocabulary indicates a developing understanding of the concepts. 14 to >0 pts Needs Improvement Student's use of specialized vocabulary indicates a lack of understanding of the concepts. 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEffective Practices of University Students: Learning Frameworks and Mindset Did the student identify how learning frameworks and/or mindset can serve as effective practices of successful university students? 20 to >18.0 pts Outstanding Student demonstrated and described effective learning and/or mindset strategies. 18 to >14.0 pts Developing Student worked toward demonstrating or describing effective learning and/or mindset strategies 14 to >0 pts Needs Improvement Student has not demonstrated or described learning or mindset strategies. 20 pts Total Points: 50 PreviousNext

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A person with a fixed mindset might respond to this situation by immediately looking for a new major. A person with a fixed mindset might think this is too tough and feel like its no room for growth after receiving this low grade. When the instructor contacts the person with the fixed mindset and says, “I’d like to meet to discuss your performance in the class”, I think that said person would see this as a negative and automatically become defensive in their thoughts on why the instructor wants to meet with them.